Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My life so far ..

It has been quite awhile since I updated my blog. Things have been rather quiet so far, nothing much to explain. Let's just see how my life have been .. so far.

Well, I'm rather happy with my achievements so far, I have graduated from the polytechnic, got finally got my driving license and there's a place waiting for me at NTU. I'm rather blessed now, however we can't stop after achieving targets set by either others or yourself. For now, I hope I can successfully get into being a pilot. I've sent my application form and now I'm just waiting for an answer. Oh well, hopefully I'll get in, I'll be extremely overjoyed. Or perhaps this goal is set too high for me to reach. I don't know.

Tomorrow is a public holiday, Vesak Day, which means NO WORK. Haha. It'll be a long weekend for me as I'm leaving the country on Friday morning. I haven't packed my bag yet, I feel so lazy and kept on procrastinating - the phantom of procrastination. I wonder what I'm going to do at home or maybe I should go out and enjoy myself, but I got no company -____- boo!

Lot's of pictures to upload but it's in my phone. The ultra sensitive cable makes me pissed off while trying to get that damn thing to get connected. Grrr! Let's take a look at some graduation photos I've took then.

Deborah, me and Jane. Both of them look like they didn't have enough sleep.

Me and stupid ass Hongzhang

My Fyp team(L to R) - Bernard, me, Eugene and Shenglong

My 3 year classmates- Brandon, me, Yazid, Eugene, Sheng long, Vicknesh, Bernard and the one in front, Fairul.

Yuhong and me in front of our MM block

Anything or whatever ?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Death before my eyes

Finally I am down with fvr.

I feel so cold..

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Way of life

He walked.. and left the scene with a painful sight. His back is scarred, and never could it be washed away.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Locked Within.

My feelings are locked within, I never chose to show it out. Even if I showed it out, people wouldn't understand. Some will then say, "People will never understand you if you shut yourself in."
Perhaps I did not want anybody to understand me, so what if they do? They will not understand me completely, not even my family. I chose not to share it, I chose to carry my own burden. Perhaps I'll lighten my load once in a while, but it never gets lighter. Even if i unload part of it now, it will just go back in a few days time.

Is that my destiny ?
Is this my way of life ?

I feel .. so alone

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm a fake. Do not trust my appearance. It deceives.

I have changed, perhaps drastically from the last time.
My appearance don say much.

L'acteur parfait pour la scène parfait.
The world and me.

Monday, May 07, 2007

another goal accomplished.

I'm overjoyed!! I passed (:
Thanks everybody for the good luck that you have "prayed" for me. The weather is good, the traffic is rather smooth and that resulted in my license.

Merci tout le monde.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Stay Calm.

It's already Sunday, time passes so fast. Tomorrow is the dreaded day that I've been waiting for. MY TEST! Oh my, hopefully I'll pass. Those who read this post, please, wish me luck for tomorrow. I'm starting to get nervous. Damn you jasmine! =D

What am I supposed to do? Uh oh ...

Friday, May 04, 2007


I'm just going to post up some one picture. It's a celebration for Minglong's birthday at KBOX. Look! Just your luck to have friends like us.

Friends "Forever" (:

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Time for an update before the cobweb starts growing. There's nothing much to update for I've been staying at home most of the time. Seriously, there's really nothing much to update. I NEED A JOB. Anybody intro me some decent jobs ? My time to NS is still long.. ugh!

The course you accept

NTU - Mechanical Engineering

has been registered by the
Joint Acceptance system.

Thank you.

I'm happy I did.