Saturday, August 01, 2009

it's time to let those memories stay behind.

such a one hot and humid saturday. other than going to the hospital, i've stayed at home the whole day, watching 2 old hongkong zombie movies. oh, don't worry they're actually comedies, and i'm serious about it. it's those old school zombies that jump about when the priest shakes his bell.

did some maintenance work to the rollerblades during my free time. i wonder when then will i be able to get my own blades? anybody with a kind soul wanna chip in some money for it? haha.

at some point in life, we'll need to rely on someone else for help surely. someone to talk to and someone to believe in. living in solitude ain't very wise and it's not gonna bring you far. sometimes all you need is to open your heart and take a look.


no one said...

How is Uncle R? Hope it was a success and that he's recovering well :)

Wendy la..

the.JoKER said...

hahaha. he's doing quite ok. resting at home for now. hehe