Tuesday, June 30, 2009

back from the land of hongkong.

first of all, im having mixed feelings about coming back to singapore. it's good that im home again, but it also meant that work is gonna start soon. and by work im referring to NS, which i so greatly detest. zz.

hongkong is fun snap lots of pictures, especially the poloariods, ate good food and shopped for more clothes. i think before i start packing my them to my wardrobe, better clear the old ones out first. too much junk!

let the pictures do the talking, its impossible for me to say all of my experience for a picture speaks of a thousand words =D

start off with the polaroids.

(in chronological order..)

Day 1,

Everyone of us got rather excited by the size of the bus catered to us. It's big and comfortable.
Most of us were first time to Hongkong, so we couldnt help but getting jumpy! mmm ...

The first polaroid shot out. We're in the bus towards out hotel - Cityview.

First hotel shot.

The hotel we were staying in wasnt too bad, its damn comfortable compared to my bed. hahaha. some knew the reason why, and i say this before, my bed isnt meant for sleeping.

Day 2

We travelled to the 4 regions? in hongkong - kowloon, new territories, lentor? and hongkong. visiting many places, my favourite few places were the beach and the avenue of stars.

"Slimboo" and me, taken at some sacred ground i think.
favourite piece among all..

Me and Kristy, taken at the same sacred ground.

Me and edric, yada yada.

Agnes and me again.

Agnes, me, sharon. then the waves started crashing in.

Me and sharon. I think this is the first shot taken at that sacred ground. See the "hat" im wearing?

Agnes, Sharon, Selina taken at the beach near the sacred ground.

All of us(less me) + the tour guide, polly, taken at a port.

Daryl and me taken on the top of the mountains.

Agnes ane me taken at the top of the mountains

Day 3,

The group got splitted up into 3 groups. some went ocean park and some went crossed the borders to get to shengzhen while agnes and me took the train down ourselves to disneyland. Everything is really like a disney world, even the train had mickey mouse-shaped windows. all photographs for today were in her camera, i didnt bring out mine cause it's damn heavy and bulky. Shall update more when i get the photographs from her.

Disneyland! She took it with her favourite mascot, winnie, the pooh bear without fingers.

We took it at a corner while having our budget lunch and avoiding the rain.

Somehow it made us feel like a kid once again, although the rides were rather kiddy because they were meant for family rides. i cant imagine a toddler drop from the roller coaster or his/head got blown away by the the extreme G-forces the roller coaster ride go through. what a joke. the most fun ride, hmm .. Buzz lightyear with a cheaterbug! Hahaha. =)

Day 4,

I didnt take any polaroid shots in day 4.

Day 5,
It was our last day there and some of us needed to leave early because of our flight details.
So all polaroid shots were taken at the airport.

Me and Kevin!

Daryl and Agnes

Agnes and Kevin

Daryl and Kevin

Me and Agnes drinking.

Agnes, who wanted the pooh frame.
The first shot with a change of frame.

And apparently more came. Daryl, Agnes and Kevin.

And the final piece for the day. Me , Agnes and Kevin.
(The frame nice huh?)

Yup that's all for the polaroid moments. More digital photos coming up to you soon..
maybe later today, for now i got really laaaaaaazy.
so patience!

merci beaucoup! =)

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