Friday, July 20, 2007

Another boring day

I've stayed at home straight for 4 days since Monday, I seriously need to go out soon. For tomorrow morning, I shall go for a swim and buy some baking ingredients at the NTUC in J8. Most of the time you cannot find company, so what I'll do is to do things myself and learn from it. Sometimes I just need some company, some care and concern, maybe a little love and recognition? Oh well, sometimes you cant find any of those and all you can depend on, is yourself. You, are your greatest weapon and YOU, are you worst enemy. And one more thing, it's hard to trust, even for little things.

Alright alright, my fault. It's must be me, not others (yeah right..)
It's been some time since I've been really frank about myself to someone, until recently.
That fear of close something taken away so suddenly, it's unimaginable. Having experienced it a couple to three times dynamically, you'd tend to set up a "protective wall" against everyone. Until that special someone comes along with the correct hammer and tools, that hard nutcase of yours will soon reveal it's seed.

Maybe wrong analogy, but yeah some people still get it. Well, the minority of course (:

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